Selected Publications


The Intended and Unintended Effects of Promoting Labor Market Mobility

with Künn, S. und Mahlstedt, R.
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, forthcoming.

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Managers’ Risk Preferences and Firm Training Investments

with Cobb-Clark, D., Pfeifer, H., Uhlendorff, A. und Wehner, C.
European Economic Review, 2023, forthcoming.

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Catching up or Lagging Behind? The Long-Term Business and Innovation Potential of Subsidized Start-Ups out of Unemployment

with Künn, S. und Weißenberger, M.
Research Policy, 2020, 49(10), 1-14.

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Personality Traits and the Evaluation of Start-Up Subsidies

with Künn, S. and Weißenberger, M.
European Economic Review, 2016, 86, 87-108.

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Getting Back into the Labor Market: The Effects of Start-Up Subsidies for Unemployed Females

with Künn, S.
Journal of Population Economics, 2015, 28(4), 1005-1043.

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Locus of Control and Job Search Strategies

with Cobb-Clark, D. and Uhlendorff, A.
Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 97(1), 88-103.

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The Impact of Risk Attitudes on Entrepreneurial Survival

with Fossen, F. and Kritikos, A.S.
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2010, 76(1), 45-63.

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The Effect of Active Labor Market Programs on Not-Yet Treated Unemployed Individuals

with van den Berg, G.J and Bergemann, A.
Journal of the European Economic Association, 2009, (P&P), 7(2-3), 606-616.

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Some Practical Guidance for the Implementation of Propensity Score Matching

with Kopeinig, S.
Journal of Economic Surveys, 2008, 22(1), 31-72.

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Minimum wage not yet for everyone: On the compensation of eligible workers before and after the minimum wage reform from the perspective of employees

With Burauel, P., Fedorets, A., Grabka, M., Schröder, C., Schupp, J. and Wittbrodt, L. (2017): DIW Economic Bulletin No. 49/2017, Berlin, 509-522

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Start-Up Subsidies for the Unemployed: Opportunities and Limitations

IZA World of Labor, 2016, 200, 1-11.

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Youth Unemployment and Active Labor Market Policies in Europe

with Schmidl, R.
IZA Journal of Labor Policy, 2016, 5(1), 1-30.

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The German Labor Market after the Great Recession: Successful Reforms and Future Challenges

with Hogenacker, J.
IZA Journal of European Labor Studies, 2012, 1:3.

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In the press (in German only)

Unternehmergeist: Wer hat ihn? Wo kommt er her?

Psychologie heute, August 2015, S. 21-22.


Frauen verdienen mit Schönheit, Männer mit Kraft

Portal Universität Potsdam, Januar 2015


Dicker Bauch, dickes Gehalt

Zeit Online, 4.7.2014


Gewicht und Karriere – Frauen haben einen Schlankheitsbonus

Spiegel Online Interview, 4.7.2014


Was funktioniert – und was nicht

Handelsblatt, 3.4.2014
